Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Asian Squat

We've all seen it in Chinatown. We've all wondered could it possibly be comfortable. Well, it's everywhere out here; from Thailand to China to Hong Kong to India. The Asian Squat.

Artistic Squat, 7/10

The squat technique involves both feet being firmly planted on the ground to provide a solid foundation of balance. Both knees should be pointed at an ever so slight outward angle, just obtuse enough so one's elbows can be rested on the inside of the knees. The butt should be pretty much as low as possible to the ground without touching and still maintaining balance.

Hang off the stairs and look mod squat, 8/10

Knee strength is one crucial element as I can maybe put it 2-3 minutes top of squatting before my knees start killing me. The most crucial element is however balance. If you attempt the position you will notice a tendency to either fall forward or backwards, depending on your back's position. I believe a straight back is required though adds a level of difficulty.

Climb and Squat, 9/10

If you reach that exact point, where somehow you fall neither backward nor forward, where you can either rest your elbows on your knees comfortably with a straight back, where you can smoke a cigarette, read a newspaper, drink a coffee, drink a beer, play cards, play mah jongg, maybe even take a dump (if you're in India), or just squat around and discuss the latest bout of political oppression inflicted upon you, my friend, you have learned the Asian Squat.

Mother and Child Squat, 10/10

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