Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Thank you to those who suggested I take Bolt Bus rather than Greyhound. Dear lord this is glorious. Apparently Bolt Bus began service in the Spring of 2008, but you have to book at least a week ahead in general for peak hour buses. As someone with very little planning skills, this was the major roadblock for even considering Bolt Bus before and forgetting about it as an option. Well, I dont need to travel peak hours anymore! Bolt bus it is.

First, the driver provided a Southwest/Virgin Airlines style funny introduction, including the ever hilarious "Introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you. It's early in the morning and you should know who you're sleeping with", which led to a pretty awkward smile between me and the fat dude next to me. Secondly, the bus left completely on time and the process was very, very orderly in leaving.

Most importanly, Wifi on the bus!!!! Everyone, slowly sing along with me: Wifi on the Bus!!!!Wifi and a laptop can pretty much keep me entertained for days on end. There was once a somewhat "philosophical" question a roommate conjured up about the relationship between man, technology and privacy. If there was an invasive surgery that implanted a chip into your arm that meant you could get solid wifi reception wherever in the world you are, would you allow for the surgery?

No question about it, yes. Oh, and there are AC outlets on the back of the seats. Forget world travel, I may just re-discover Americana, Bolting across the country.


  1. Just returned from NY via Vamoose Bus - 4 hou4s door to door - with a stop! Vamoose is in process of creating exclusive benefits for its passengers. A Vamoose VIP Club is in the works. Coming soon year round guaranteed hotel reservations in NY at $129.95, great discounts at stores Macy's, J&R, White Flint and Tysons. For the frugal traveler who wants the best you can't beat Vamoose. $25 for a ride on a classy bus. Riding Vamoose for 4 years and every trip was a gem.
